유튜브 영어 공부 – Aston Martin Valhalla | Engineering done differently

유튜브 영어 공부 – Aston Martin Valhalla | Engineering done differently

영국 럭셔리 스포츠카 브랜드인 애스턴 마틴의 발할라(Valhalla)를 소개한 영상으로 유튜브 영어 공부해보겠습니다. 첨단 기술과 관련된 토익, 토플 어휘들에 주목해 주시면서, 영국 럭셔리 스포츠카 회사인 애스턴 마틴도 구경해 보세요.

글의 순서

유튜브 영어 공부 – Aston Martin Valhalla
유튜브 영어 공부 : 듣고, 따라하고, 암기해서 말하기
토플, 토익 어휘로 유튜브 영어 공부 효과 올리기


애스턴 마틴은 영국에서 1913년에 창립된 스포츠카 회사입니다. 영국 첩보영화 007 시리즈에서 제임스 본드가 탔던 자동차가 바로 애스턴 마틴입니다. 모터 스포츠에 특화된 스포츠카인데, 고성능의 고급차, 그러니까 럭셔리한 차를 만듭니다.

시대의 흐름을 따라 최근에는 고성능 SUV를 발표하였고, 전기차로 가기 위한 과도기적 모델을 준비하고 있습니다. 이번 유튜브 영어 공부 주제인 발할라(Valhalla)가 바로 애스턴 마틴이 준비하는 다음 세대 럭셔리 스포츠 카입니다.

유튜브 영어 공부 – Aston Martin Valhalla | Engineering done differently

Valhalla is engineering done differently.
A supercar skeleton forged by the fusion of our F1 performance team and road car engineers.
This is a link like never before transferring techniques, technology, and expertise directly from the roaring core of F1 to produce the platform for driver performance.

Realizing exhilarating new milestones a carbon fiber monocoque that’s improbably light never reaching 100 kilograms but breaching 1,000 brake horsepower.
The single carbon component with a precision aerodynamic underbody synced with its upper form puts you at Valhalla’s heart.
So you can harness true driving mastery.
This is Valhalla.

유튜브 영어 공부 : 듣고, 따라하고, 암기해서 말하기

토플, 토익 어휘로 유튜브 영어 공부 효과 올리기

1. engineering – the process of designing and building things, especially complex ones.
▶ The engineering team is responsible for making sure the car is built correctly.
▶ Engineers are responsible for designing and building new technology that helps solve real-world problems.

2. fusion – the process of joining two or more things together to form a single entity.
▶ The fusion of the F1 and road car teams produced a new kind of supercar.
▶ The fusion of different cultural traditions can create new and exciting forms of art.

3. expertise – specialized knowledge or skill in a particular field.
▶ The F1 team brought their expertise in high-performance racing to the development of Valhalla.
▶ She has a lot of expertise in the field of environmental science, having studied it for many years.

4. monocoque – a type of car frame or body in which the external skin carries a major portion of the stress.
▶ Valhalla’s monocoque frame is made from lightweight carbon fiber.
▶ The monocoque design of the airplane’s wings made them stronger and more durable than traditional designs.

5. aerodynamic – relating to the way objects move through air or another fluid.
▶ The car’s aerodynamic shape helps it move quickly through the air.
▶ The shape of the car was designed to be as aerodynamic as possible, in order to reduce wind resistance and increase speed.

6. platform – a basic structure or foundation that provides support for something.
▶ The monocoque frame serves as the platform for Valhalla’s high-performance driving experience.
▶ The new app is built on a platform that allows for easy integration with other software.

7. mastery – great skill or proficiency in a particular field or activity.
▶ With Valhalla, drivers can strive for mastery of their driving skills.
▶ It takes years of practice and dedication to achieve mastery of a musical instrument.

8. exhilarating – making someone feel very happy, animated, or elated.
▶ The experience of driving Valhalla is truly exhilarating, with its high-speed performance and precise handling.
▶ The roller coaster ride was exhilarating, with its twists and turns that made us feel like we were flying.

9. component – a part or element of a larger whole.
▶ The monocoque frame is a key component of Valhalla’s lightweight design.
▶ The motherboard is one of the most important components of a computer, as it connects all of the other parts together.

10. breaching – breaking through or surpassing a particular level or threshold.
▶ With its incredible horsepower, Valhalla breaches the limits of what’s possible in a supercar.
▶ The swimmer set a new world record, breaching the previous record by several seconds.





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