유튜브 영어 공부 – Porsche: chasing dreams for 75 years

유튜브 영어 공부 – Porsche: chasing dreams for 75 years

2023년은 포르쉐 창립 75주년이 되는 해입니다. 포르쉐는 지난 75년 간 개척 정신, 열정, 꿈을 상징하는 브랜드를 상징해왔습니다. 유튜브 영어 공부를 위한 이번 포스팅으로부터 꿈을 이루는데 필요한 힘을 얻었으면 좋겠습니다.

글의 순서

유튜브 영어 공부 – Porsche: chasing dreams for 75 years
유튜브 영어 공부 : 듣고, 따라하고, 암기해서 말하기
토플, 토익 시험을 위한 중요 어휘, 예제 문장

유튜브 영어 공부 – Porsche: chasing dreams for 75 years

Every one of us dreams.
Some of us chase them.
For 75 years, we’ve been driven by dreams.
We dreamt of full color.
Let us race towards Brave ideas.
We saw Salzburg red for 24 hours.
We made a pink pig fly and went to Green hell and back for victory after victory.
Our dreams come in half a million shades and counting.
Mint green guards speedy red yellow.
We’ve always been for the bold, the bright, and the brave, even this guy.
Our universe is one where the dream is a verb, an invitation, a place where artists, racers, and innovators come together.
The product of one man’s dream, you’ve been undoing what’s always been done together.
Our dream will color the next 75 years.
Open your eyes, take the keys, and join us here.

유튜브 영어 공부 : 듣고, 따라하고, 암기해서 말하기

토플, 토익 시험을 위한 중요 어휘, 예제 문장

1. Driven: motivated or determined.
▶ The athlete was driven to succeed in his sport and trained tirelessly to improve his skills.

2. Victory: a win or triumph.
▶ The team celebrated their hard-fought victory over their rivals.

3. Shades: variations or gradations of color.
▶ The artist used many different shades of blue to create a stunning painting.

4. Bold: courageous, daring, or confident.
▶ The entrepreneur had a bold vision for his company and was not afraid to take risks to achieve his goals.

5. Bright: vivid or colorful.
▶ The flowers in the garden were bright and beautiful, adding a splash of color to the landscape.

6. Innovator: a person who introduces new ideas or methods.
▶ The company’s success was due in part to the innovative products it developed that set them apart from its competitors.

7. Product: something that is manufactured or created to be sold.
▶ The company’s newest product was a huge success, with many customers eagerly buying it.

8. Undoing: reversing or undoing something that was previously done.
▶ The team had to undo their mistake and start over to complete the project on time.

9. Invitation: a request or offer to participate in something.
▶ The manager invited the employee to attend the company’s annual conference.

10. Motivated: having a strong desire or drive to achieve something.
▶ The student was highly motivated to get good grades and studied hard for every exam.




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