유튜브 영어 공부 : Paris Airshow 2023 – Dassault Systemes – Join us

유튜브 영어 공부 : Paris Airshow 2023 – Dassault Systemes – Join us

프랑스의 다쏘 시스템이 파리 에어쇼 2023을 홍보하는 영상을 유튜브 영어 공부 영상으로 서택했습니다. 다쏘 시스템은 다쏘 그룹에서 설계/생산/관리분야에 널리 사용되는 소프트웨어를 개발하는 회사입니다. 다쏘 그룹의 그 유명한 다쏘 항공(Dassult Aviation)은 미라지, 라팔과 같은 전투기와 비즈니스 젯 등 항공기를 개발하는 기업이기도 합니다.

민간, 군수 항공분야, 우주분야의 현 주소를 설명하면서, 다쏘 시스템의 디지털 트윈(Virtual twin)을 홍보합니다. 토플, 토익 시험을 위한 중요 어휘를 발췌했고, 골라낸 토플 어휘를 이용해서 에어쇼와 관련된 예제 문장을 만들었습니다.

글의 순서

유튜브 영어 공부, Paris Airshow 2023 – Dassault Systemes
토플, 토익 어휘로 유튜브 영어 공부 효과 올리기

유튜브 영어 공부, Paris Airshow 2023 – Dassault Systemes

Hi, my name is David Ziegler.
The Paris Air Show is coming up.
This is the place where aerospace and defense professionals are gathering to redefine the future of our industry.
Our industry is at a crossroads.

In commercial aviation, we need to ramp up manufacturing while at the same time thinking about the long term and decarbonizing the industry.

In defense, we need to enable sovereignty, managing more and more complex programs while at the same time keeping costs down.

In space, we need to leverage geospatial analytics to improve life on Earth.

If these challenges seem familiar, come and meet us at the Paris Air Show.
We will showcase how the virtual twin experiences can harmonize product, nature, and life together.
Let’s unleash sustainable innovation. The sky is the limit, or is it?

토플, 토익 어휘로 유튜브 영어 공부 효과 올리기

1. Crossroads (noun): A point at which a crucial decision must be made, which will have far-reaching consequences.
▶The aviation industry is at a crossroads during the Paris Air Show, as decisions made here will have a significant impact on the future of air travel.
▶The Paris Air Show presents a crossroads for defense professionals, as they must determine how to maintain national security while controlling costs.

2. Decarbonizing (verb): Reducing or eliminating carbon dioxide production, as a way of combating climate change.
▶One of the main objectives at the Paris Air Show is to discuss decarbonizing the aviation industry and finding ways to make air transportation more environmentally friendly.
▶Several companies at the Paris Air Show presented innovative technologies aimed at decarbonizing air travel, such as electric planes and renewable energy sources.

3. Sovereignty (noun): The authority of a state to govern itself or another state, or the power to make decisions in relation to specific topics or areas.
▶At the Paris Air Show, defense manufacturers showcased their latest technologies to help countries maintain their sovereignty and security.
▶Discussions on sovereignty during the Paris Air Show highlighted the importance of developing homegrown defense capabilities in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.

4. Geospatial analytics (noun): The analysis and interpretation of location-based data to develop insights and understand patterns, relationships, or trends.
▶The Paris Air Show showcased how geospatial analytics can be used to monitor Earth’s resources and improve the management of natural disasters.
▶Companies at the Paris Air Show demonstrated the potential of geospatial analytics to revolutionize environmental protection efforts and even urban planning.




Paris Air Show

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