유튜브 영어 공부 : Rolex and Tennis ? An enduring partnership

유튜브 영어 공부 : Rolex and Tennis ? An enduring partnership

유튜브 영어 공부, 이번엔 스위스 시계 브랜드 롤렉스에 대한 이야기입니다. 롤렉스는 한계를 뛰어넘어 최고를 추구하는 브랜드이고, 이 가치는 테니스와도 닮아있다는 철학을 갖고 있습니다. 이런 철학을 표현하는 토플 어휘들을 챙기는 것이 이 포스팅의 목표입니다.

글의 순서

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토익, 토플 시험을 위한 중요 어휘, 예제 문장

유튜브 영어 공부 : Rolex and Tennis ? An enduring partnership

These are the most prestigious, sought-for, fought-for tennis grounds.
Yet inside these lines, players are on their own.
This is their domain.
It is theirs to defend.
This game lives for resilience and elegance, patience and panache, power, and heart.

But the reason we’ve been supporting tennis so passionately for so long is that, inside these lines, you’re not so much facing adversaries as you are peering through a mirror, trying to outdo none other than yourself.

유튜브 영어 공부 : 듣고, 따라하고, 암기해서 말하기

토플, 토익 시험을 위한 중요 어휘, 예제 문장

1. Prestigious: having a high reputation; respected or admired.
▶ Harvard University is a prestigious institution known for its academic excellence.

2. Sought-for: desired; wanted.
▶ The new iPhone is highly sought-for by tech enthusiasts.

3. Fought-for: obtained or achieved through hard work, effort, or struggle.
▶ This company’s success was fought-for through years of dedication and perseverance.

4. Domain: an area of activity, interest, or knowledge.
▶ The field of computer science is a domain that requires a strong understanding of programming languages.

5. Resilience: the ability to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks.
▶ The basketball team showed great resilience by coming back to win the game in overtime.

6. Elegance: the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
▶ The fashion designer’s collection was known for its elegance and sophistication.

7. Patience: the ability to wait calmly for something without becoming frustrated or upset.
▶ The teacher had a lot of patience with her young students who often got distracted easily.

8. Panache: a confident and stylish manner, especially in one’s appearance or behavior.
▶ The musician had great panache when performing on stage, impressing the audience with her stage presence.

9. Power: the ability to influence or control people or things.
▶ The president of the company had a lot of power in making important decisions that affected the entire organization.

10. Heart: the emotional center or core of a person.
▶ The athlete put his heart into his training and gave it his all during the competition.

11. Adversaries: opponents or enemies.
▶ The boxer had many adversaries throughout his career, but he always managed to come out on top.

12. Peering: looking closely or intently, especially through a small or narrow opening.
▶ The detective was peering through the window to get a better look at the suspect inside the building.

13. Mirror: a reflective surface that shows a true image of what is in front of it.
▶ The woman checked her appearance in the mirror before leaving the house for the day.

14. Outdo: to surpass in performance, skill, or achievement.
▶ The swimmer was determined to outdo his personal best time and set a new record.




ROLEX, Excellence in motion, ROLEX and TENNIS

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